It has been a long time since I last wrote a thing in my blog. And for what seemed to be an eternity, my life, the kind of life I have been living for the last year or two, has finally shifted two hundred seventy degrees,waiting for it to move quarter of a turn more. In the past weeks, it feels like I have just started my year..
Looking back, Y2010 was a tough year for me. It was an intense year-- full of surprises; people left; new ones came; and, old ones, people I knew way back my frizzy-hair days, reunited. My life was everything in between. I valued nobody else but Myself. I received too much of an attention from new and old friends and as the year progressed, I craved for more. It made me feel more important than ever but insecure at the same time.
As I enjoy every bit of what life offered me, I drowned. The narcissism in me was a quicksand. My insecurities and sense of omnipotence overpowered my conscience and morality, as well as my compassion for the people surrounding me. I lost touch with reality. I lost control. The world revolved around nobody but ME.
I refuse to account the number of people I have hurt as I feed my ego with that false sense of superiority.
A shattering incident during the first quarter of 2011 has to unfold to push me grounded, to shake me, and to shatter the thick glass of my bogus self.
2010 is an all-important year for me because I learned too much the hard way. It taught me to be more responsible, considerate, controlled and composed. Moreso, it gave me the virtue of Temperance. My emotions pushed back, while logic makes its way at the forefront.
I am bruised, again.. but how deep I fell doesn't matter now, what matters is how high I bounced back.
A quarter of a turn more and I'm back on track...